Jun 17Liked by Marc Typo

Beautiful, poignant, touching...

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Thank you reading ❤️

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This letter gave me goosebumps , Marc. The work you’ve done to be the father you didn’t have is so commendable. Myles is as lucky to have you as you are him

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Always appreciate you reading, Noha. As parents we are the lucky ones.

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There is some healing for the soul to read of men lifting each other up and holding space for one another. A balm, even.

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

I often think of the “figures” in my life. The ones who weren’t obligated to try but did anyway. It reminds me to stay open to where I can try and show up. It may not be so obvious.

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Kaitlyn, all of this. I do my best to say open as well. Discernment is so key. Thank you for reading!

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I'm also dreaming of a space where men uplifting one another is just what we do. We need that.

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Same same same.

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I think you’re doing that here ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Marc Typo

I love this Marc, it’s such an amazing thing to be able to tell someone you know how much they mean to you, and especially meaningful to share with Myles

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Thank you D. I loved your Snap about your dad yesterday. I hope my son writes about me as lovely as you write about him.

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It takes a village.

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If this letter could be summed up in four words it would be just what you said Stan.

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Thanks for reminding us that the people who love us elevate us, whether they're family or not, they're still family.

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Exactly! Appreciate you for reading Diana.

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Always a pleasure, Marc.

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I love how you've taken the notion of fatherhood into a wider context here to consider brotherhood, mentorship… 

Isn't it amazing how some of these people come into our lives and affect us. Some have an assigned role or motive. Others don't. They show us by simply being who they are. Now reflecting on who those men are in my life 🤔 Thanks, Marc 🙌🏾

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Oh Marc… this is so beautiful! Now we know why you’re such a caring, loving, open book! 😄You’re so good at sharing feelings… whether raw or fearful or beyond grateful. God absolutely had your back! You’ve just shown us how powerful faith and humanity is if we just be kind! If we see something, do something. As a teacher, I still get notes thanking me for helping them thru bullying, anxiety, self esteem… they were fourth graders and they remembered me! Your letters to Myles do so much for us all each Monday… your way with word is the very best and everyone know it! 🫶❤️🥰Much love!

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Joan, getting notes from students I have taught use to keep me going year by year. The fact that you are still getting notes speak to how great you are. Appreciate you for always saying the kindest things! Grateful to have you here!

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This is so beautiful. I did not have a village or parents who cared but it’s making me go back and see who was there that I didn’t fully take in who made a difference. Thank you.

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Natasha, thanks for sharing. It's interesting how many people boast how they've done it all alone. I've been one of them. It took me a while to realize most of us have been supported - somehow and someway. Thank you for reading!

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Beautiful bro! 👏🏽

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Appreciate it brother!

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that photo shot in the woods is fire! 😍😍😍

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I absolutely love your letters to Myles. You are creating a lifetime gift of no equal. We all never know how many days we have on earth so should you leave your family much too early, you won’t be thinking about regret because a big piece of who you are is right here forever.

What a lucky man to have so many mentors, role models, advisors and friends. The thing is that people come and go in our lives. You were smart enough to hang on to them. Teachers have a special place in my heart. It just takes one, to change the total trajectory of your life.

How appropriate that you are paying it forward now.

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Sharon, 100 thank yous. If Myles can get these one day, whether I’m around our not, I hope he knows he’s loved. That’s all. 1 year down, a life time to go. Thank you for being here ❤️

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I absolutely love your letters to Myles. You are creating a lifetime gift of no equal. We all never know how many days we have on earth so should you leave your family much too early, you won’t be thinking about regret because a big piece of who you are is right here forever.

What a lucky man to have so many mentors, role models, advisors and friends. The thing is that people come and go in our lives. You were smart enough to hang on to them. Teachers have a special place in my heart. It just takes one, to change the total trajectory of your life.

How appropriate that you are paying it forward now.

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I absolutely love your letters to Myles. You are creating a lifetime gift of no equal. We all never know how many days we have on earth so should you leave your family much too early, you won’t be thinking about regret because a big piece of who you are is right here forever.

What a lucky man to have so many mentors, role models, advisors and friends. The thing is that people come and go in our lives. You were smart enough to hang on to them. Teachers have a special place in my heart. It just takes one, to change the total trajectory of your life.

How appropriate that you are paying it forward now.

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Jun 17Liked by Marc Typo

Beautiful letter and I liked that it was also a voice note.

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Thank you Julissa! I’ll try to do more if time permits!

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Jun 17Liked by Marc Typo

This is beautiful, Marc. I'm so happy so many people reached out to you and that you remember them and honor them so lovingly. But also, honor the part of yourself that allowed them in, and let them help you. That's a gift. I wrote about Father's Day this week, too, and of the loss of my dad when I was 16. I was an island after that for a very long time. I wonder if nobody reached out, or if I just wasn't able to see it. Your boy is so lucky to have you.

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I love that bit about not being able to see it. Sometimes is hard to see the way help has come. I’m grateful I was open. I’m glad to hear you took time to write about him. I think this is how we immortalize our people.

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