deletedNov 11, 2023Liked by Marc Typo
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Glad this brought you some joy. Keep us lifted Marian!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Marc Typo

I went to target a couple weeks ago but I always order my items for pick up because I get money back from Rakuten 😅 I go to target seldom. I tried to do pickup at a location near my dermatologist and it was an epic fail. Lesson learned to stick to pick up orders at my home target.

Somehow I haven’t fallen into the trap of buying things because I see them unless they are things I actually need and didn’t write at the time the need for the purchase was identified.

Bring back Fun Time USA or Empire Rollerskating Rink. I wouldn’t mind having a party at either place.

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Unlike the Typo family, you have a lot discipline. One because you can buy one thing when going into a store, and because you use Rakuten. Anytime I tell my wife let's sign in through Rakuten for some extra points - she just rolls her eyes. She likes leaving money on the table.

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I think there’s a way to use Rakuten in store too lol. You add your card to your account.

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This was a fun read and just be thankful she isn't in love with Walmart.....

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This really made me laugh out loud! Walmart is really on another level. I only go there when I'm desperate. Every time I go, I feel like I need to get ready for war. Have you ever seen the show Superstore? It's literally a show about Walmart.

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I avoid Walmart like the average person avoids contracting the coronavirus, and no I haven’t seen that show because much like approaching a Walmart, I am certain I will break out in hives!

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A marriage made in heaven would be to a woman who loves Tractor Supply, Home Depot, and Cabellas more than I do.

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You being handy is an asset, my Dad was very handy. He also was a hunter....and I do not know about my Mom, but I was a happy girl when he aged out of that passion.....

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I hunt for leftovers in the refrigerator.

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Loooooove Ta Nehisi Coates… only eay to reassure you is no matter how much mummy lives to shop it won’t rub off in the little man… on the contrary! Stay tuned for what’s to unfold!

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Stay tuned - in less than a year we will see what his first words are !

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I bet it won’t be target. You’ll see to it!

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Also yes to Coates - he’s been the biggest inspiration with these letters. Obviously though, there’s an elephant in the room I haven’t been explicitly discussing. But I know it’s coming.

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Not following. Not read the letters you’re referring to. The Water Dancer (novel) and the biography… beautiful struggle if I remember it correctly… both equally brilliant.

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I was referring to - Between the World and Me p

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This is perfect. Not kidding. Mt grandsons first word may actually have been “Target”.

Your photo with the sign and that sassy I’m going to shop walk were pure cake.

You deserve a column in the NYer

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Patris, I think Myles words will be the same! My wife read the letter and she was like "How did you turn this into a GIF?"

You much too kind. I can dream! I would love to spread these letters further. I really want to connect other dads to do this kind of work. It's healing, but also something I imagine we all would be able to pass on. If you have connects, shoot them my way lol

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There’s no doubt in my mind.

And have some ideas - going to do some research for you.

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This is really funny. I love the stroller video. Is that mom and Myles? I think we all need our own comfort store of sorts, and I would imagine that T's soothing effect -- imagine that -- is especially powerful now. Plus, if ti means you can get waffle fries every time you go, then fire up the jets. Great job.

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Yes, that's the family! Yes, Target really gives us a reprieve until Myles does what he does. Man, those waffle fries, when hot, hit different. I just started pouring the honey roasted barbecue sauce in the polynesian sauce for my fries - I'm a sucker for sauces. This combo was a game changer!

Thank you!

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We had a lockdown baby in 2020 my son would have been similar age to yours and the supermarket was the only place we could go

So we did.

We don’t have target in the uk but a Tesco Extra is almost there. Huge supermarket sells food and clothes. It has two floors and travelators.

We went to see other humans and browse stuff we didn’t need.

We went to get out of the house.

Kids love it don’t they the bright lights and the colours. Anyway it was a break from the same four walls and to be honest even now with two sons and no lockdown, I still find myself in there when we don’t have anything else to do.

Also i’m a graphic designer so we can do a deal on some photoshopping if you need it! 🤔

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I never knew the moving horizontal escalator thingy had a formal name - thank you! Oh, we don't always plan to shop either, but we always find ourselves at a cash register.

I love your graphics, we can talk for sure to figure something out - but most of my money is tied up in diapers and you know .. Target

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This was fun. I enjoy the light-hearted tone and your ability to be self-deprecating.

My mum used to have a love affair with target as well, I can still remember walking around there with her as a kid as if it was yesterday.

Below are a few lines I really enjoyed:

“I am grateful Target is not a man; I wouldn't be able to compete.”

“... or else we need to find a corner somewhere on Earth while I hold a blanket like a matador...”

“Did you eat? Did you sleep? Did you poop?" - the holy trinity of raising an infant.”

Thanks :)

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Thank you, Michael! I appreciate the lines you picked out. It’s helpful to know which landed for you - I wrestled with a couple of them and just decided to let them be. Do you experience this as well?

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I definitely wrestle with my sentences, Marc. Most of the time they win, but I like to think I put a decent fight —sometimes.

That’s actually part of the reason I pick out lines I liked when I see them in other writer’s work — because I know how hard we all fight. :)

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In my notes yesterday I shared a paragraph that didn’t cut. I still save the sentences that don’t make the cut. Just in case they want to debut somewhere else.

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Nice, I like that.

I save some too, but I try let some go as well.. depends how I’m feeling. Thanks Marc

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Shopping with the family is pandemonium. Kids gone wild.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Marc Typo

My wife's is the Container Store. It is my own private hell, but I suffer through.

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Oh that would drive me nuts for real. Thankfully, we’ve been there only once!

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Marc Typo

Yea, this letter was funny af lol. One my top 5 favorite letter so far. Also, thanks to you, I am finna check out that chick-fil-a sandwich.

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Man, let me know how you like it! I appreciate you for reading.

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I really enjoyed this read! I’ve finally broken up with target so it doesn’t have that much of a chokehold on me lol -- now I’m patiently waiting for the letter of your son’s first birthday party haha if target sponsors the party would you have it there? Haha..

Also, No matter how tired I am, going to the grocery store makes me happy. Haha

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How does one even break up with Target? What is now the alternative? I''ll take a Target sponsorship lowkey.

Grocery trips are only good when you don't shop when you are hungry lol But prices are ridiculous.

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Prices are ridiculous even the farmers market ain’t safe lol but honestly for me I’ve been going to local markets in my neighborhood lol target has gotten me too many times I’m proud to say it’s been months since I’ve been there lol

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I’ll check in with you in a month to see how long your streak last!

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Meant to comment on this one last week but I think I read it right before I went to sleep. This is hilarious! And also reminds me of my brief window of time when there was a Target next to our apartment in Montreal and our second baby was a few months old (the one who didn't sleep 🙊🙊)... I used to drop the older one off at daycare and then wander around the Target with him in the stroller for some reprieve. Window shopping is not the right word because I'd be browsing the aisles inside the store, but it was so calming. I especially loved the random snack aisles with options I couldn't find anywhere else...

Target in Canada lasted exactly a year and then shuttered and left the country. i guess there weren't enough of us to keep it in business - but man did I ever try!

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Noha, you have successfully proved to me that you are in a much higher tax bracket than I am. Only the 1% can afford to live within walking distance next to a Target lol

I know Target has it's problematic ways, but I much rather go there than *gulps* Walmart.

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Hahaaaa I must now clarify that we lived there when were renting an apartment while my husband was finishing his PhD (so not exactly swimming in money). Montreal, where we lived for the first 8 years of our marriage, was for a time an oasis of decent rentals for affordable prices. We left the following year, but I've heard that it's no longer that way, sadly.

I do miss Target! Wish they'd come back to Canada.

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I love your writing style and the letters to your son. I’m so excited to follow your journey!

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Jasmine! Thank you for your kind words and being here!

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I do not enjoy shopping for anything, ever, in person, and for this reason Target simplifies my life.

They also have a great Christmas & Christmas lights selection, I discovered last year! Want to bet it’s up already?

Your wife & I share our birthday week. Perfect time of year to celebrate being on earth.

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What kind of husband of a Target connoisseur would I be if I didn’t know about the Christmas selection at Target? We’ve already ransacked the place. I secretly love it too- I just wish it was closer!

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this is a super cute family tradition and she has a good taste!

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I’m sorry it took so long for me to reply to this! Thank you for reading Lu. I’m relishing in these moments!

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